Useful Resources

Computer Aided Design!

Our Mechanical, CAD, and Design sub-team serves as the creative force behind transforming ideas into tangible robotic masterpieces. Precision, ingenuity, and meticulous planning are essential in creating robots that excel in the FIRST Robotics Competition. Our dedicated team specializes in designing, prototyping, and manufacturing the mechanical components that form the core of our robots.

What We Do

Design and Prototyping

The sub-team takes the lead in conceptualizing and creating detailed designs for our robots using cutting-edge CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software. Through prototyping, we refine our designs to ensure functionality, efficiency, and innovation.

Fabrication and Assembly

From the workshop to the competition field, our team is hands-on in fabricating and assembling the mechanical components of our robots. We utilize various tools and techniques to bring our designs to life, ensuring precision and quality in every part.

Innovation and Iteration

We thrive on innovation! Our team continuously explores new concepts, materials, and mechanisms, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in robotics. We iterate on designs to optimize performance and functionality.

Collaboration and Integration

Close collaboration with other sub-teams is crucial. We work closely with electrical, programming, and other teams to seamlessly integrate mechanical components with electrical systems and software.

Join Us

Are you passionate about engineering, design, prototyping, or hands-on fabrication? Join our Mechanical, CAD, and Design sub-team and contribute your skills in CAD modeling, prototyping, machining, or mechanical engineering to shape the physical manifestation of our robot’s innovation.